June got Busy

June K. is a subscriber to our batik/bali Fabric Lover’s Club and assured me when she signed up that she would make use of the monthly fabric packages.  Well, she remained true to her word, and sent me a couple of pictures where she has incorporated pieces from the club.  (Click on the pictures for a larger, crisper image.)



The bottom picture shows a photo of her brother’s property and the landscape she has made from it.  June was a student in Roxanne Nelson’s Pictorial Quilting class and obviously enjoys the process.  Great job June and thank you for the photos!

Now while I’ve heard of other projects that participants have made using Fabric Lovers Club, I haven’t seen them.  So if you have some to show me, please send me a picture or bring them in to the store.

Linda Goh
Along Came Quilting
6432 -1A Street SW
Calgary, AB  T2H 0G6

Original Publication November 29, 2015 on https://alongcamequilting.wordpress.com/

AppliquePictorial quiltingQuiltQuiltingQuiltsRoxanne nelsonUncategorized

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